Producing The Billionaire's Heir Read online

  Producing The Billionaire's Heir

  by Tiffany Madison

  Published by Tiffany Madison, 2013.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. September 10, 2013.

  Copyright © 2013 Tiffany Madison.

  Written by Tiffany Madison.

  Table of Contents

  Producing The Billionaire's Heir

  A Billionaire For My 21st Birthday

  Check out my other stories! | Tricking My Twin Sister’s Boyfriend, Part 1 | Tricking My Twin Sister’s Boyfriend Part 2 | Half My Age | Half My Age, Times Two!

  All characters in this story are 18 years of age or older.

  Mom and I had been struggling financially my entire life, ever since my Dad left us when I was a little kid. I was only 18, so the best job I could find was at the local fast food place working as a carhop. It was kind of embarrassing because kids that I had graduated high school with just months before were always stopping in and asking where I was going to go to college. I wasn’t going to college, though. I had to work to help support my mom and I.

  My girlfriends in college were always calling me and talking about the crazy parties they were going to and how much fun they were having. A lot of them were having sex with a different guy every week. Meanwhile, I was still a virgin. It didn’t bother me too much, though, because I knew that eventually the right guy would come along and take my virginity. Besides, I wasn’t in any rush.

  My entire life was about to change, though. It was the end of summer after my high school graduation. I had been working all three months at the fast food place, trying to help pay our rent. We still weren’t making ends meet, though. My minimum wage was barely enough to survive on and my mom hadn’t been able to find work in months, since she had gotten laid off from her bank job. She had been trying to stay positive though and decided to put up a profile on an online dating site.

  That was when things took a turn for the better. She chatted up a guy on the dating site and the two hit it off nicely. His name was John Powers and he reached out to my mom on the dating site just hours after she had set it up. It was the first date that she had been on in years and I remember how nervous she was when she was getting ready for him to pick her up. We both tried hard to clean up our little apartment. At the time, we were living just outside of L.A. in a small apartment complex. It was all we could afford.

  “Maddy, I want you to meet Mr. Powers when he comes to pick me up,” my mom said to me. “You’re an excellent judge of character and I want to hear your first impression of him. He said he was excited to meet you too. One of the pictures I put up on my dating profile had you in it. He thinks you’re very pretty. Isn’t that sweet?”

  I remember hearing him knock on the front door. I ran up to the door to get it while my mom was still upstairs. I opened the door to see something I was absolutely not expecting.

  “Hi, I’m John,” he said smiling, as he held out his hand for a handshake. “You must be Maddy? I saw a picture of you on your mom’s dating profile.”

  I was dumbstruck. I held out my hand in awe. He was gorgeous. He stood at least a foot taller than me. He had a big broad chest, which filled out his suit nicely. I didn’t think my mom had ever dated someone who even owned a suit. He had dark eyes, black hair and a bright white smile. I had guessed he was a little bit older than my mom, maybe in his mid 50’s.

  “Yes, I’m Maddy,” I said, giggling.

  His presence was authoritative and powerful. I could see why my mom wanted to go on a date with him. He seemed different than most guys.

  I glanced beyond where he was standing so that I could see the car he pulled up in. It was some sort of Mercedes. It definitely was the most expensive car that I had ever seen on our street. You could see the nosy neighbors looking out of their windows to try to figure out what was going on.

  “Mom, Mr. Powers is here!” I yelled up the stairs to my mom.

  I stood there awkwardly with Mr. Powers in the doorway.

  “So, what do you do Mr. Powers?” I asked him.

  He smirked and said, “Mr. Powers huh? I like that. You can keep calling me that. For work, I do a little of everything. I own a number of businesses.”

  I smiled and tried to show interest. I didn’t know much about business, since all I had ever done was bring fast food to people in their cars.

  “And what do you do for work, Maddy?”

  It was so strange because I immediately felt like I could open up to him. His power gave me a sense of trust. I told him about my job and how much I hated it. Also, how I needed to figure out a way to make more money because we were barely making ends meet. I mentioned how frustrated I was because I couldn’t go to college and how it made me feel like I didn’t bring much value to the world.

  “Well, you’re very beautiful,” he told me. “I believe there is a lot of value in that.”

  I blushed when he said that. I had been called pretty before from the boys at school, but it was nice to hear it from a man.

  My mom walked down the stairs looking as beautiful as ever.

  “Hello, Ms. Landry,” Mr. Powers said.

  Mom held out her hand and Mr. Powers took it and kissed the back of it. I watched in awe of him. Everything he did was with grace and power.

  “Your daughter and I were just chatting while we were waiting for you. You did a good job with her. She’s as beautiful as you are,” Mr. Powers said, while looking at me.

  There was something about him as I was drawn to. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

  He then took my mom’s hand and headed out the door. Before the door closed behind them, he turned and said, “Oh, and Maddy. Don’t wait up for us.”

  He gave me a wink and walked down to his car.


  Mom went on her date with Mr. Powers. When she got home she told me all about it. It turned out that he was a billionaire. He was born into a wealthy family and had also started many successful businesses over the years. I couldn’t believe it. Mom had never had any job better than a secretarial position or a bank job. What did he want with her?

  I was so happy for her, though. There was something different about her after she started going on dates with him. She was hardly ever home and she also seemed to stop worrying about money. Mr. Powers started paying our rent and car payments.

  Every couple of days he would come by the house when Mom wasn’t there, just to visit with me. One day he gave me a wrapped box. I opened it to find a beautiful pearl necklace. I had him help me put it around my neck. It didn’t really go very well with my t-shirt, but I was excited to try it on with some of my cute dresses.

  “There’s a lot more where that came from,” John told me with a cute little smile.

  I blushed a little bit and smiled back.

  “You’re the best thing that’s happened to us,” I told him.

  He smiled wide when I told him that.

  Life just kept getting better. I was able to put in my two weeks at the fast food place. I only worked a few days after putting in my notice because it seemed so pointless to be there. John was helping us out so much financially, that my minimum wage meant virtually nothing. Plus, John encouraged me to quit. He said it was bad for my happiness to work a job that I didn’t like and that he would take care of us.

  Then something even better happened. Mom came home one day and seemed even more happy than usual.

  “Honey, pack your bags! We are moving in with John!” Mom sang to me as she strolled into my bedroom.

  What? We’re moving in with him? Sh
e’s only known him for a couple of weeks, I thought to myself.

  I had only ever seen pictures of John’s house, but it was beautiful. He lived somewhere outside of downtown L.A. on a giant golf course.

  I was hesitant and excited at the same time. I knew that I needed to be supportive of my mom, though, regardless of how I felt about it.

  “Mom, I can’t believe this is happening. I’m so happy for you. What did we do to get so lucky? Our whole lives have turned around over the past month.”

  My mom smiled and said, “Well honey, John and I just really click. He started talking about getting us out of this apartment and maybe living together on our first date. Can you believe that? After the first time he met us, he was already considering having us live with him!”

  I was a little bit nervous about the move. It wasn’t that I loved the apartment we lived in or anything, but it was still a comfort zone that I was going to have to break free from. I was going to have to get used to being spoiled with everything. I couldn’t wait to tell my girlfriends that were in college. They were going to be so jealous!


  Mr. Power’s mansion was only about an hour away from our apartment. The moving truck followed behind us in our car. We threw away a lot of our things, including most of our furniture and old clothes. We knew that Mr. Powers was going to be taking care of us, so we only kept the irreplaceable things.

  On the way over to his house, my mom kept talking about him. It was nice to see her so happy.

  “Oh Maddy, you should see the way John looks at me. It’s like he thinks I am the most beautiful thing in the world. He thinks you’re very beautiful too. He says that you look like a younger version of me.”

  That was something I took as a compliment. My mom was gorgeous and looked much younger than she really was. We were both tall with fair skin. Everyone would always comment on our green eyes and dark brown hair.

  As I sat in the passenger seat of our old car, I started thinking about my life.

  Why had life been so difficult for so long and why was it becoming so easy all of a sudden? Is that just how life works?

  I tried not to question it too much because I was about to start a whole new chapter of my life. I could finally forget about all of the struggles my mom and I had lived through.

  We pulled up to his mansion. At the end of the driveway was a giant steel gate. Next to the gate was a small security room with a man inside. The man turned to look at us when we pulled up and then stepped out to greet us.

  “Ah! You must be the lovely Ms. Nancy Landry,” the man said.

  My mom, giggling with excitement said, “Why yes I am. This is my beautiful daughter Maddy.”

  “Maddy. I’ve heard a lot about you already. Mr. Powers seems to have taken quite a liking to both of you. I don’t usually see him as happy as he has been.”

  I watched as my mom blushed. “Well, we have taken quite a liking to him as well,” she said.

  “By the way, my name is Kyle Bonser. If you need anything at all, please let me know. I am Mr. Powers security coordinator.”

  Kyle went back into the security room and hit a button, opening the gate. It felt like the gates of heaven were opening for us. Ahead of us was a winding driveway leading up to a giant mansion.

  As we pulled up the driveway, I noticed gardeners on either side, tending to the huge flower gardens. It was like nothing I had ever seen in my life. Everything was manicured to perfection. I literally felt like a princess riding up to her castle.

  We drove to the front steps of the mansion. Parked in front were two brand new Mercedes.

  How many cars does he have? I thought to myself.

  I got out of the car and looked around, taking it all in. His mansion was four stories tall and made out of stone. It couldn’t have been more than just a few years old. Everything looked brand new.

  I saw the front door open and out walked Mr. Powers. He was wearing a grey suit with a purple shirt underneath. He was so stylish and handsome.

  “Welcome home my dears,” he said as he strolled down the stairs. “Did you notice the housewarming gifts I bought you ladies?”

  He pointed to the two Mercedes that were parked in the driveway.

  “No way!” I screamed and ran up and gave him a big hug. As I stepped back, I noticed that my shirt had fallen down loosely, exposing my cleavage. For a second, I thought I caught Mr. Powers looking at my breasts.

  “Let me give you the grand tour,” he said as he motioned for me to step into the mansion.

  I still couldn’t get over the fact that I had a new car. Not just any regular car either. He bought my mom and I each a Mercedes.

  I followed him into the main room of the house. I looked up to see that the ceiling went all the way to the fourth floor. There were balconies on every floor, overlooking the entrance.

  “Well, what do you think so far?” he asked.

  I was speechless. My entire life had gone from rags to riches, practically over night.

  “It’s all yours too, Maddy. Yours and your mom’s. There are, of course, just a few small rules. But we can cover that later,” Mr. Powers said, smiling. He then glanced at my mom.

  Rules? Was he joking? I couldn’t tell if he was joking, I thought to myself.

  Well if the worse thing he was going to do was give me a curfew or something, then I had no complaints at all.


  I spent the day exploring the house by myself. Mom and Mr. Powers had gone up to the master suite. I had a pretty good idea of what they were doing. This gave me the freedom I needed to roam my new house.

  I went out to the balcony that faced the courtyard and the golf course. It was a cool evening and you could see some fireflies dancing in the distance. I took a deep breath of the fresh air. There was so much for me to take it. It felt like the past 18 years of my life had been a bad dream and now I was waking up.

  I walked back into the house and down the hall towards my new bedroom. I decided I would spend the night trying on all of my new clothes. Mr. Powers had stocked my closet full of cute clothes. His stylist picked everything out for me. It had to have cost a fortune because everything was designer brand. I had never seen any of those clothes in the stores that I was used to shopping in.

  I stood in front of the mirror and slipped my t-shirt over my head. I then pulled down my jeans so that I was wearing only my panties. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was a little bit shy about my body. I developed early, so I had big boobs since middle school. I was the talk of the school when I came back from summer break. A lot of girls were jealous of me, but I was actually embarrassed by all of the attention.

  I brought my hands to my breasts and squeezed them lightly. It always turned me on when I touched them. I liked looking at myself in the mirror as I ran my fingers over my nipples.

  Even though my breasts were big at a young age, I still had small hips. I figured I would always have small hips, though, since my mom did.

  I started thinking about what it would feel like to have sex for the first time. It was hard to imagine it, since the closest I had come was with my two fingers. Some of my girlfriends said that it hurt and others said it felt amazing. I wondered what it would be like for me. I hoped that it would be with a man who loved me and wanted to be with me forever.

  The thought of having sex started to turn me on. I let my hands glide down my side and down to my panties. I grabbed them and gently slid them down to my knees. I took one hand and started rubbing my fingers over my pussy. It made me wet almost instantly.

  I almost blushed as I felt myself get wet. It made me feel embarrassed to touch myself. I was a good girl and I didn’t usually do those things. It felt so good, though, that sometimes I just couldn’t help it.

  Just then I heard a knock on my door. I quickly pulled my panties back up, just in time for the door to open. It was Mr. Powers.

  “Oh, excuse me Maddy,” he said. “I just wanted to let you know that dinner has been made for us.
We’ll be downstairs waiting for you. Wear that pearl necklace that I gave you.”

  I was standing there, covering up my boobs with both hands. I was so embarrassed that my face turned bright red.

  “I’ll be down in a second,” I said.

  He just stood there and stared at me for a moment. You could feel the tension in the air. It wasn’t a bad tension, though. In fact, it was electric. For a second, it was as though we were being magnetically pulled towards each other. Then as quickly as that happened, he turned around and walked out, closing the door behind him.

  I put on a black dress and the pearl necklace he had given me just weeks before. I walked downstairs to the dining hall where my mom and Mr. Powers were already seated. There were just three of us eating, but there was seating for at least 20 at the table. The butlers carried out each course of the meal. It was super fancy and I almost felt out of place.

  “A toast,” Mr. Powers said, holding up his wine glass. “A toast to the newest women in my life. To the women who will help me carry on my legacy and be with me in my ongoing quest for prosperity.”

  We clicked our glasses together and started to eat dinner.

  “You look beautiful by the way,” Mr. Powers said to me.

  I smiled and said, “Thank you.”

  I could have sworn he was looking at my boobs again. His eyes seemed to be undressing me at the dinner table.

  “So, John tells me that he bought you a new wardrobe, honey. Is that true?” my mom asked me.

  “Yes! It’s amazing Mom! You should see all of the nice clothes I have!”

  Then she got a stern look on her face. “You just have to remember, honey, nothing is free in this world. I don’t want you to get too spoiled.”

  Before I could respond, Mr. Powers interrupted. “Maddy, she’s right. I’ve worked very hard for what I have. Nothing came free to me.”

  I felt like I was a little kid getting lectured by my parents. I was 18 years old, though. I was an adult and I wasn’t stupid.